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Included in this collection: The 54 Aroma Master Kit + The 12 Aroma Wine Faults Kit What the professionals use! This 66 aroma collection has been used by sommeliers and winemakers for years.Own all of our red wine, white wine, Champagne and wine faults aromas. The Aficionado Collection is a required course material at many of the great enology schools.
Included in this collection: The 54 Aroma Master Kit + The 12 Aroma Wine Faults Kit What the professionals use! This 66 aroma collection has been used by sommeliers and winemakers for years.Own all of our red wine, white wine, Champagne and wine faults aromas. The Aficionado Collection is a required course material at many of the great enology schools. This luxurious collection will be your companion for years to come.
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